Saturday, March 31, 2007

More eggs have arrived in Allison Park

Another 10,000 eggs have arrived this week!

The Easter Bunny just made a drop off of another shipment of yummy easter eggs:)

Easter this year in Allison park will be a very yummy affair!

Spread the word, bring out anyone you would like, call your friends, invite them out also!

Want to visit the most chocolaty neighbourhood in Hamilton?

Come visit us at Easter is best in Allison Park

Friday, March 30, 2007

Tulips are coming up in Allison Park

Thats right folks, the pink tulips that the neighbourhood kids planted last year are coming up!!

That is a sure sign of spring isn't it?

If you remember last year Councilor Duval and his wife came to our Halloween celebration, and Sherry Duval on behalf of Avon Canada donated 250 pink tulip bulbs on behalf of their breast cancer research fundraising and awareness campaign.

Pictures to follow once they are in bloom!!

The parks new sod has also took root very well, and all the squishy sections seem to be a lot better now.

Lets hope we do not get to much rain in the next week!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Tornado in Hamilton,Ontario over Allison Park

Did anyone else see the tornado trying to form tonight?

With the crazy swing in temperatures today I was waiting for this.

Environment Canada issued a warning a few hours beforehand, and sure enough there was one trying to form right near us!

It never amounted to anything luckily :)

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Chocolate Eggs are arriving at Allison Park

The eggs they are a coming!

This year should be the biggest Easter Egg Hunt we have ever seen, therefore we will need more eggs than ever!

Where the heck do all the eggs come from you wonder?

Well the Easter Bunny of Course!

Actually we owe a great deal of thanks to a few ladies in the neighbourhood, my neighbour Lucy, and Dianne whom lives across from the park, and I believe its her Aunt Grace also. They work with 1 of our suppliers, that being Trebor Allen, which is now part of Cadbury.

For the last several years they have donated and have also sold me eggs at a GREATLY discounted price. To this we all thank them for their very generous corporate support.

Thankyou also to the 3 ladies mentioned above, I hope to get their full names and maybe a picture of them so we can post it on our website shortly.

Friday, March 23, 2007


Yesterday I had a long 2 hour lunch with Joanelle Murray the Owner of Par-t-perfect, if you came out to my Halloween or Christmas events you will know who I am talking about, they brought out the inflatible jumpers and ran all the games.

Joanelle and I talked over what we will be doing for Easter, and spent a lot of time talking about our upcoming " yard sale for the Cure" yard sale event for Breast Cancer Research.

Based on the feedback from all of you I take it that you liked what she and her employees did for our last 2 events, expensive you say? yes, but based on the smiles on the kids faces, I dont mind spending the money.

Easter will be a first time event for them, so come on out, Easter this year will be the best one yet!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Spring has Sprung in Allison Park

So I am outside today picking up the mail, and walking back to the house I hear a bird chirping away, a familiar sound yes, but this bird sounded different I was thinking.... could it be I thought...? That sures sounds like a ROBIN :)

So there He/She was, across the street on the highest peak of my neighbours house, loudly chirping away, announcing to everyone, ..." I am here and so is spring, so lets get rid of all that snow so I can munch away on worms and get nice and fat...!!!"

Ahhh such a sign is welcome after a cold winter, but how the heck did he know that it was the 1st day of spring?

Want to to visit the best community in Hamilton?

Come on over to Allison Parks Website at Robins Like Allison Park Neighbourhood the Best!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Festivals and Events Hamilton

About a month ago or so I became a member of Festivals and Events Hamilton, an organization known to most of you that helps groups like ours plan organize and generally help out to make their event better.

Now that we are getting our sun shelter we will be having a lot more planned and unplanned activities than ever before.

Currently we have 2 church groups using the park, along with our planned activities not to mention the daily goings-on by all the residents of the area.

With the sunshelter these activities will probably increase substantially.

When the guide is published you will get one in the mail.

I am very excited about joining this group :)

Since our park is used and visited more than probably most parks in the City and with the GREAT news about the sunshelter, we will be able to host more events than what we have before.

Can you say " SOUPIE"?

Yup, once the sunshelter is built we will qualify for a SOUPIE!!!!

Finally after all these years our kids will have some organized activities to do in the summer months!!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Easter Goodies

Just a short note to let you know that I have started to buy Easter Goodies for the kids, today I purchased 25 Easter Bunny Headbands.

I will contunue to amass more as time goes on :)

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Yard Sale for the Cure

Today I was contacted by Mr. Kevin Foster President and owner of Snap Hamilton, you may remember Kevin coming out to our Halloween event, he is the owner of this new magazine, and one that I truly like to read.

Kevin and I had a long talk about " Yard Sale for the Cure" which was started by a friend of his in Toronto who is fighting Breast cancer and started a yard sale to raise money to beat the battle against Breast Cancer.

I did not need much time to decide if I wanted to support this idea or not, I made up my mind in about 5 seconds.

I will post the website below, but here is the concept.

I will host this event in our park on the national day for this event, that being May 26 2007.

In order to make it a BIG EVENT ( come on folks you should know by now I never do anything small) I am going to bring in Par-t-perfect and have games,
face painters ( for this event I was thinking that the face painters can paint small pink ribbons on the childrens cheeks) baloon twisters, and inflatible rides.

We will also have a bbq, I am going to meet with a National Restaurant next week to see if they are interested.

Spots will be rented for you to set up and sell your goods, in return for a donation that we can then donate. Kevin has indicated that the cancer clinic on concession will soon be named as the primary choice.

I will also rent a moving truck to assist anyone with large objects that they want moved to the park. ( ..any big strong guys with pickups or who want to help would also be appreciated)

We can easily get 100 vendors into our park and if we charge 25 bucks per spot, thats $ 2,500.00 right there. Throw in our usual bbq and draws and that should raise another $ 1,000.00.

With nearly 300 houses in the new area and more in the old, we should be able to easily sell out our spaces.

Advertising for this is already under way, K-Lite FM is already aboard with the founder of the event Mrs. Rachael Smith expected to be interviewed shortly on air.

To learn more about the event please visit their website at Yard Sale For The Cure

To visit the best little community in Hamilton visit us at Allison Park

Friday, March 16, 2007

Racist Words viewable inside Ryckman School

Now that the school is being torn down you can see Racist words painted inside the school on its interior walls.

Not only are they very hurtful, they have no place in our society.

I have asked Councilor Duval to look into this matter, I hope we can get them painted over until the building is entirely demolished.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Ryckman School is Coming Down

Well unless you have not been outside lately, you may have noticed that the old Ryckman school is now being torn down.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Spring has Sprung in Allison Park

Wow, have you seen the forecast for this week!!!

We are supposed to hit 50 degrees in a couple of days:)

There will be major flooding for sure, my bets are the entrance to the Cemetary on Rymal, and Upper Wellington and Dicenzo( as usual..)

The birds are out looking for food, and daylight savings time even came early this year:)

You didnt forget did you...

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Funding Approved for Sun Shelter in Allison Park

Great news everyone!

I just got a phone call from Councilor Scott Duvall and he informed me that the funding has been approved for our Sun Shelter in Allison Park!!

This will now give us a place to hold our events under a roof!

We can also now go ahead with plans for a " Soupie", and use the shelter as a central gathering place for all our events.

The funding package is $ 230,000.00, and will consist of 2 paths into our park, the shelter, tables, and more shade trees.

This is great news, I cant wait till its built!

The schedule for completion is late this year.

Want to visit the best little community in Hamilton?

See us at The best community in Hamilton!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Allison Park Christmas House Decorating Contest

I just wanted to take this moment to thank everybody whom participated in my annual Christmas light decorating contest, each year it gets bigger and bigger, and also harder to judge.

This year we had some new first time winners.

Jacqueline Blvd has layed down the challenge, with a 100% sweep of all 5 prizes this year. Statiscally it is easier being the longest street and all.

But, the street with almost 100% participation was Sedona Court, I think every house had some sort of display, well done Sedona!

The judges had a very hard time picking this year, and actually we split it up to about 7 people this year.

After the results where in the judges where almost unanimous in the results. One judge said they did 20 laps in their car circling the neighbourhood!

Many visitors also commented on the displays and how our neighbourhood " rocks".

I was just thinking the other day on how far we have come with this contest, when I started it, we looked like just any other neighbourhood, now people are really getting into it, and our neighbourhood is starting to look like we will get noticed on TV soon!

I even got into it this year, ( maybe to much..?) I bought 4 of those inflatible things from Canadian Tire, and went to town on them. ( I disqualified myself:(.....)
They where nice to look at, but they are not built for our tough Canadian Climate or our winter winds!

To see pictures or visit our website please see our website at The best little neighbourhood in Hamilton

Christmas Pictures and Contest Winners

In the coming weeks the pictures from our last Christmas party will be posted, along with the winners of my annual house decorating contest.

The Christmas party was an incredible success, I never counted the people, but we had a minimum of 200 out.

The staff of Par-t-perfect was excellent once again, they dressed up as elves, manned the chuggy choo-choo ride, painted faces, ran the games, a great time for everyone.

The children especially enjoyed the reindeer stuffing, which was a new thing this year.

Actually everything was new this year, I hired the same company that I had for my Halloween event, and once again they did a splendid job.

The Ladies auxillary of the Legion 163 cooked 200 hot dogs, denise from DC Cakes made a great cake again, and Kathleen's girls Kiersten and Jessica pitched in along with Holly and a few other neighbourhood kids, sorry but I dont know your names! But thanks for all your hard work!

Without the volunteers these events could not happen!

I also want to thank the parents who brought in food and deserts, my wife told me somebody brought in a few large pizzas also, along with the great recipes, the pot luck was an enormous hit!

Thanks again to all the parents whom brought in food, I was so busy I did not have a chance to thank everyone personally, but trust me it does not go unnoticed!

This event was the biggest Childrens Christmas party yet and the second one I have done. Two years back to back and both a great success, so that means next year we will do it again!

It was a hit and miss with the date so close to Christmas Dec 23rd if you remember, but based on the turnout, that date must not have conflicted with many schedules. So, maybe in the future we will have it on a close date again to Christmas.

Oh, Santa did show up, and handed out presents to all the children.

If you did not see the pictures yet, we have the girls wrapping the presents, see our website at

Allison Park

Well thats all for now.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Our New Blog

Greetings everybody!

This is our new blog, a very quick and easy way to update everybody on neighbourhood activities and happenings in our great community!

Welcome to our first entry

Welcome to the first entry for the Allison Park community blog! Please visit often as we update with community news and other fun stuff!

The Allison Park Web Team