Monday, September 15, 2008

Allison Park Gets its long awaited advanced green light

It all started a couple years back, I noticed people making u-turns on Upper Wellington by Sedona Crt.

I thought really nothing of it, heck people get lost I thought.

But, I kept seeing it, and one time I saw 4 cars doing it all at one time!

I talked to a few neighbours and they confirmed it has been happening for years, turns out people where getting tired of waiting for the light to turn left on Upper Wellington so they would come and use our street instead to head right through and not have to wait.

This just added to the ongoing traffic situation that we have here and what was getting worse.

If you remember back years ago I did a traffic survey and found that something like 80% of the traffic on Jacqueline was using us as a through street from other surveys!

This then led to the elimination of the left turn signs on Rymal and that helped out.

Now with all the new surveys we are starting to get a lot more traffic once again.

I asked Councilor Duvall if he could talk to the traffic department and see what we could do about a advance green light that would hopefully eliminate this problem.

The new light was just installed, they are putting in new sensors and it should be operational soon.

Many thanks to Councilor Scott Duvall for getting this done!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Allison Park gets it long awaited sun shelter

Fellow residents of Allison Park!

Today was the start of our long awaited sunshelter!!

This will take a month to complete if all goes well and at the same time hopefully the new parts I ordered in for the splashpad will arrive as well:)

There have been a few changes in the master plan, I will share some pictures with you later!

Bye for now

Chris Ecklund