Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Allison Park Easter Egg Hunt 2008

Well,........with Easter being 3 weeks earlier this year, and all this snow, we are going to have a tough time on our hands this year if I am going to pull this off or not.

Before we got all this snow I walked the park and saw we had 3 inches of solid ice over the grass.

Now we have 4 feet of snow.

We have a big melt down coming starting today, cross your fingers that it gets rid of a lot of the snow.

What I will do is bring in a snow removing crew and get rid of as much snow as possible in the park, to expose all the base ice, and then hopefully with the warmer temps, it will melt the base ice away.

The safety of our children is very important, not to mention, how do they expect to see a tiny egg in 4 feet of snow!!!

Ah, challenges I like!

So for those around the park, if you hear a lot of equipment in the next few days, this is what I will be doing.

As long as we can have some exposed grass, then we should be okay!

Bye for now!

Chris ( Easter Bunny ) Ecklund

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