Monday, June 4, 2007

More Park Updates at Allison Park

Last week during our Breast Cancer Yard Sale, a neighbour asked me what could be done about the " swamp" in our park.

An hour later ( sorry it took so long )I had a City Staffer come look at the problem, and we went to the neighbour and talked about some solutions to the problem.

Today I met and had lunch with two City staffers and I was told that there is a solution to the problem, and funding has been approved.

Many thanks to the City for being so responsive on this matter!

What we will do is to " Naturalize" the area, with some earth, wood chips, and small shrubs. All the wood chips should absorb the excess water, and the area will look nicer with the shrubs.

The absorption of the standing water will eliminate mosquito larvae and lower the nesting areas and hence west nile threat.

After looking over our schedules, a good time would be during our Halloween pumpkin carving contest to be held in October.

As details come available I will let you know, those living backing onto the park, it would be appreciated if you help out.

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