Monday, April 16, 2007

Yard Sale for the Cure

Today I had a meeting with the owner of 1-800-GOT-JUNK?., Mr.Tony Cipola, and also with Mr. Kevin Foster owner of Snap Media, you all know Kevin he comes out to all our events.

The biggest challenge with any garage/yard sale is how do we get our stuff there, and in the past, you remember years ago when we had our yard sale in the park, this was the same problem, people had difficulty in getting their stuff to the park.

This problem has now been solved, with the incredible donation of 3 moving trucks and 6 employees to help you move your stuff to the park!

The yard sale is Saturday May 26th from 8 a.m. to 12 Noon, in Allison Park.

We are taking bookings for 25 pickups starting at 6 .a.m on that day.

All items will need to be placed in your driveway or garage for pickup with vehicles out of the way. The trucks will then pick the stuff up and deliver it to your spot which will be assigned to you in the park.

These 25 spots will go fast, if they do we might be able to add another 25 pick ups to a grand total of 50.

This is a very generous donation on behalf of 1-800-GOT-JUNK?, and I thank them for that.

To pre-book a spot and pick-up, send us an e-mail to our webmaster with your contact details.

Dont wait to long, as these spots will fill up fast!

Spots in the park costs $ 25.00, and you can donate whatever you want from the proceeds of your sales.

Come support this great cause, lets try to raise as much money as we can to battle Breast Cancer.

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