Saturday, April 28, 2007

HSR Bus Service Coming to Allison Park

Well sort of... Starting next year there will be bus service on Rymal Road east and west. This is long overdue and a great addition to the Hamilton Mountain and our residents here.

It is a long time coming, but with the expansion of the City slowly heading south, it is becoming a needed service.

I can remember back in the day when the HSR had the small mini buss's, that held 30 people and ran on Mohawk Road, every 30 minutes on the weekends, remember those days?

Councelor Scott Duvall told me of this the other day, I would think a great route would be from Duffs Corners to Elfrida, which would open a lot of areas to those looking to shop and travel. More to follow when it becomes available.

How do I get to Allison Park from Ancaster? CLICK HERE

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

2007 Hamilton City Budget Has been Approved

Well folks great news the budget has been finalized and passed!! ( cue the fireworks...)

What does this mean for us, residents of Allison Park?

Well for one, it means that our sunshelter, paths, and extra trees will be installed now.

Many of you approached me concerned about the media reporting on this, but not to worry, as it has now passed!!!

Come visit the best neighbourhood in Hamilton at ALLISON PARK ROCKS WITH THE BUDGET BEING PASSED!!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Operation Clean Sweep

On Saturday April 21st as part of Operation Clean Sweep, Councillor's Duvall and Whitehead pictured here with myself took part in our 1st annual clean up of Upper James Street from the Linc to Rymal Road.

Approx 30-50 people came out and even the children came out and pitched in and filled many garbage bags.

I was very happy to be a sponsor and to help organize this event, many thanks to those that participated and also many thanks to the other sponsors, Tim Hortons, and the Courtyard Marriott Hotel.

Special thanks also to assistants Kim and Monique who pulled this thing together, family and friends and a BIG thank-you to the volunteers!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Yard Sale for the Cure

Today I had a meeting with the owner of 1-800-GOT-JUNK?., Mr.Tony Cipola, and also with Mr. Kevin Foster owner of Snap Media, you all know Kevin he comes out to all our events.

The biggest challenge with any garage/yard sale is how do we get our stuff there, and in the past, you remember years ago when we had our yard sale in the park, this was the same problem, people had difficulty in getting their stuff to the park.

This problem has now been solved, with the incredible donation of 3 moving trucks and 6 employees to help you move your stuff to the park!

The yard sale is Saturday May 26th from 8 a.m. to 12 Noon, in Allison Park.

We are taking bookings for 25 pickups starting at 6 .a.m on that day.

All items will need to be placed in your driveway or garage for pickup with vehicles out of the way. The trucks will then pick the stuff up and deliver it to your spot which will be assigned to you in the park.

These 25 spots will go fast, if they do we might be able to add another 25 pick ups to a grand total of 50.

This is a very generous donation on behalf of 1-800-GOT-JUNK?, and I thank them for that.

To pre-book a spot and pick-up, send us an e-mail to our webmaster with your contact details.

Dont wait to long, as these spots will fill up fast!

Spots in the park costs $ 25.00, and you can donate whatever you want from the proceeds of your sales.

Come support this great cause, lets try to raise as much money as we can to battle Breast Cancer.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Operation Clean Sweep

This coming Saturday April 21 2007 at 1pm to 330 pm., there will be a sweep off to collect garbage on Upper James Street. We will be cleaning from the Linc to Rymal, and this is a challenge between Councillor's Duvall and Whitehead.

Form up will be at the Courtyard Marriott on Upper James at 1 p.m.

I will be providing Hot Dogs and drinks, and the first 200 people will get a Tim Hortons Gift Certificate from me!

Come on out and lets get Upper James Street Cleaned up!!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Chris Ecklund's Tim Horton Coupon Donation for our troops in Afghanistan

It was my honour yesterday to present to Hamilton MP Chris Charlton 2,400 Tim Horton Coupons for our troops in Afghanistan, each member of our military will have a coffee on me.

Being half way around the world, bringing this little bit of Canadiana to them hopefully makes them feel better and appreciated.

As a former member of our military I can tell you that many of us suffered and still suffer from wounds inflicted in active and inactive duties locally and abroad, it is to often especially here in Canada where we do not pay respect to those that have served and those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice.

I want to personally thank each and everyone of our men and women serving our Country in conflicts around the world and especially in Afghanistan, your service to your Country will not be forgotten.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Allison Park Easter Egg hunt a huge success

Once again our annual Easter Egg hunt was a huge success, despite temperatures of -15, and snow, approx. 200 children and parents and attending dignataries had a great time, with the little ones scooping up approx 20,000 chocolate eggs!

A huge thankyou to Cadbury whom not only gives me a huge discount on the purchase of the chocolates, but they also donated a large part of the chocolates also. Also this year they donated gum, wine gums and little bunnies, that quack like little chicks!! Many thanks to Dianne, Anna, and Lucy whom live in the neighbourhood and also work at Cadbury, thanks ladies without you the event would not be possible.

Many thanks also to the volunteers whom help me put this event on, yesterday we had people come out to help clean up the park, my neighbours Tony and Bob, thanks guys, you are always there for me, Lillian and family and friends, thanks for delivering flyers and all your help today.

A special thankyou also to Kathleen, and daughters Jessica and Kiersten, whom now live elsewhere but still come back and volunteer, thanks girls you are the best!

New this year I hired Special Event Rentals to supply a tent,tables and chairs because it was so cold, I bought 2 propane heaters to take the chill off, and thanks to Joanelle and staff of par-t-perfect, whom brought out the face painters, balloon twisters, inflatible jumper, and the guest of honour the Easter Bunny !!!!

Speaking of Guests of Honour, many thanks for Councilor Whitehead of ward 8, who's family came out, Councilor Scott Duvall and wife of ward 7, former councilor of Ward 7 Terry Anderson and family, and MP Chris Charlton. Many thanks for coming out!

Thank you also to 820 Cham for sending their mascot out, the little ones enjoyed him a lot.

A special thankyou to all the parents whom brought out their little ones and braved the cold temperatures, by the look of all the smiles on their faces everyone had a great time!
Want to visit the best little community in Hamilton?., then come on over to Allison Park Easter Egg Hunt was great!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Ryckman School is now down

Ryckman school is now down and the crews are busy cleaning up the debris. I have also asked Councelor Duval for an updated plan for the new subdivision being planned.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Easter Egg Tree spotted in Allison Park

Yes folks it is true, in Allison park we have special trees that grow Easter eggs!!!!

I have been thinking lately on having a decorating contest for Easter, just like we have for Halloween and Christmas, maybe this is a good start!

Its to late for this year, but watch for an announcement on this for next year.

Till then Easter eggs can be found at Allison park where even our trees grow eggs!!

Tulips coming up in Allison Park

I sure sign of spring and things to come, the tulips that where donated by Avon and Councelor Scott Duvall's wife last year and planted by our neighbourhood children are starting to peek through the woodchips!

These are pink tulips and where donated by Avon in their battle and awareness campaign in the fight against Breast Cancer.

Good Friday Clean Up in Allison Park

This friday at 12 Noon we will have our usual pre-easter egg hunt clean-up in the park.

Please come on out, bring the kids, you will need gloves, old pair of shoes/boots, garbage bag, small shovel, and warm clothes!

This needs to be done, so our little ones are not picking up any " doggy" surprises the following day.

What makes Allison Park the best neighbourhood in Hamilton you say?

Come visit our website at Allison Park cleans up after itself this Good Friday!